Boat Transport
Boat Transport
Moving a boat is a daunting prospect for a new owner. Our boat transport services are undertaken by our professional drivers with the utmost care and due diligence giving our customers the peace of mind that their boat is in good hands.
This service takes our vehicles all over Ireland, UK and Europe. We can lift, transport and launch your boat anywhere. Our Hiabs are also called upon to erect and transport masts. A lot of our work is repeat business from clients who have experienced our services throughout the years. With our large truck mounted crane we can load and transport a variety vessels.
As well as managing the contract lift of your boat, we can manage the transportation of your boat to a required destination. Having lifted boats for over 10 years we have built relationships with some of the most trustworthy and professional marine transportation teams.
We specialize in boats up to 32 foot and also provide a towing service for boats that come on their own trailers.
Boat lifting services include:
• From road transport to the water
• From water to road transport
• Water to hard standing;
• Hard standing back to water
• Single lifts, e.g. light loads such as engines